1.2 Security Concepts


Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA)


Confidentiality ensures that information is only accessible to those who have the proper authorization.

Example: Encrypting sensitive data before storage.

flowchart subgraph Encryption encryption -->|Protect data| AuthorizedUsers end


Integrity ensures that data remains accurate and unaltered during storage or transmission.

Example: Using checksums to verify file integrity.

flowchart subgraph IntegrityCheck checksum -->|Verify data| Data end


Availability ensures that information and resources are accessible when needed.

Example: Implementing redundancy to maintain system availability.

flowchart subgraph Redundancy redundancy -->|Provide backups| Systems end



Non-repudiation ensures that an action or event cannot be denied by the parties involved.

Example: Digital signatures on legal documents.

flowchart subgraph DigitalSignature signature -->|Authenticate sender| Sender signature -->|Verify signature| Receiver end

Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)

Authenticating People

Authenticating people involves verifying the identity of individuals.

Example: Username and password authentication.

flowchart subgraph UserAuthentication auth -->|Verify credentials| User end

Authenticating Systems

Authenticating systems involves verifying the identity of devices or systems.

Example: Digital certificates for servers.

flowchart subgraph SystemAuthentication auth -->|Verify certificates| System end

Authorization Models

Authorization models define what actions users or systems are allowed to perform.

Example: Role-based access control (RBAC).

flowchart subgraph RBAC auth -->|Assign roles| User auth -->|Grant permissions| Resources end

Gap Analysis

Gap Analysis

Gap analysis is the process of evaluating the difference between current practices and desired outcomes to identify deficiencies and plan improvements.

Example: Assessing the cybersecurity readiness of an organization and identifying areas that need improvement.

flowchart subgraph GapAnalysis analysis -->|Assess current state| CurrentPractices analysis -->|Identify gaps| DesiredOutcomes analysis -->|Plan improvements| ImprovementPlan end

Zero Trust

Control Plane

The Control Plane in Zero Trust includes various components and concepts for implementing a Zero Trust security model.

flowchart subgraph ControlPlane control -->|Adaptive identity| AdaptiveIdentity control -->|Threat scope reduction| ThreatScopeReduction control -->|Policy-driven access control| PolicyAccessControl control -->|Policy Administrator| PolicyAdministrator end

Adaptive Identity

Adaptive identity focuses on dynamically adjusting user access based on context and behavior.

flowchart subgraph AdaptiveIdentity adaptive -->|Evaluate context| Context adaptive -->|Adjust access| Access end

Threat Scope Reduction

Threat scope reduction aims to minimize the attack surface and limit potential threats.

flowchart subgraph ThreatScopeReduction reduction -->|Reduce exposed services| ExposedServices reduction -->|Minimize privileges| Privileges end

Policy-driven Access Control

Policy-driven access control enforces access rules based on defined policies and conditions.

flowchart subgraph PolicyAccessControl policycontrol -->|Define policies| Policies policycontrol -->|Enforce policies| Enforcer end

Policy Administrator

The Policy Administrator is responsible for managing and configuring access control policies.

flowchart subgraph PolicyAdministrator admin -->|Configure policies| Policies admin -->|Manage access| AccessControl end

Data Plane

The Data Plane in Zero Trust includes elements related to securing data and network communications.

flowchart subgraph DataPlane dataplane -->|Implicit trust zones| TrustZones dataplane -->|Subject/System| Subjects dataplane -->|Policy Enforcement Point| EnforcementPoint end

Implicit Trust Zones

Implicit trust zones categorize and control network segments based on trust levels.

flowchart subgraph TrustZones trustzones -->|Define zones| ZoneTypes trustzones -->|Segment networks| NetworkSegments end


Subjects and systems represent entities and devices that interact within the Zero Trust architecture.

flowchart subgraph Subjects subjects -->|Identify entities| Entities subjects -->|Assign attributes| Attributes end

Policy Enforcement Point

The Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) enforces access control policies in the Data Plane.

flowchart subgraph EnforcementPoint enforcement -->|Enforce policies| Policies enforcement -->|Access control| DataTraffic end

Physical Security


Bollards are short, sturdy posts designed to control or block vehicle access to specific areas.

flowchart subgraph Bollards bollards -->|Control vehicle access| RestrictedAreas bollards -->|Prevent ramming attacks| SecurityMeasures end

Access Control Vestibule

An access control vestibule is an enclosed area with security measures that control entry and exit.

flowchart subgraph AccessControlVestibule vestibule -->|Control entry/exit| SecureArea vestibule -->|Security screening| Verification end


Fencing is used to create physical barriers and boundaries around a secured area.

flowchart subgraph Fencing fencing -->|Establish perimeters| SecuredArea fencing -->|Deter intruders| SecurityMeasures end

Video Surveillance

Video surveillance involves the use of cameras to monitor and record activities in a specific area.

flowchart subgraph VideoSurveillance surveillance -->|Monitor activities| SurveillanceFootage surveillance -->|Deter and record incidents| SecurityMeasures end

Security Guard

A security guard is a trained professional responsible for monitoring and ensuring the security of a location.

flowchart subgraph SecurityGuard guard -->|Monitor and respond| SecurityIncidents guard -->|Provide physical presence| Deterrence end

Access Badge

An access badge is a physical or digital credential used to grant access to secured areas.

flowchart subgraph AccessBadge badge -->|Grant access| AuthorizedPersonnel badge -->|Track access history| SecurityRecords end


Lighting plays a crucial role in enhancing visibility and security in and around a facility.

flowchart subgraph Lighting lighting -->|Provide visibility| DarkAreas lighting -->|Deter potential threats| SecurityMeasures end


Sensors are devices used to detect specific environmental changes or events.


Infrared sensors detect heat and motion, often used in motion-activated lighting and alarms.

flowchart subgraph InfraredSensor infrared -->|Detect heat/motion| Motion infrared -->|Trigger alarms| SecurityMeasures end


Pressure sensors can detect changes in pressure, such as when a door or window is opened.

flowchart subgraph PressureSensor pressure -->|Detect pressure changes| Door/WindowActivity pressure -->|Activate alarms| SecurityMeasures end


Microwave sensors emit microwave radiation and detect changes in reflections, often used in motion detection.

flowchart subgraph MicrowaveSensor microwave -->|Detect reflections| Motion microwave -->|Trigger alarms| SecurityMeasures end


Ultrasonic sensors use sound waves to detect motion or proximity, commonly found in proximity sensors.

flowchart subgraph UltrasonicSensor ultrasonic -->|Detect sound reflections| Motion/Proximity ultrasonic -->|Activate alarms| SecurityMeasures end

Deception and Disruption Technology


A honeypot is a security mechanism that lures attackers to a decoy system to gather information about their tactics.

flowchart subgraph Honeypot honeypot -->|Attract attackers| DecoySystem honeypot -->|Gather attack data| SecurityAnalysis end


A honeynet is a network of honeypots designed to detect and analyze malicious activity across a broader scale.

flowchart subgraph Honeynet honeynet -->|Deploy multiple honeypots| Network honeynet -->|Collect and analyze data| SecurityAnalysis end


A honeyfile is a bait file or data object designed to attract and detect unauthorized access or use.

flowchart subgraph Honeyfile honeyfile -->|Create bait files| DataObjects honeyfile -->|Monitor access attempts| SecurityAnalysis end


A honeytoken is a unique and deliberately created piece of information used to detect unauthorized access or use.

flowchart subgraph Honeytoken honeytoken -->|Generate honeytokens| UniqueData honeytoken -->|Detect misuse| SecurityAnalysis end