1.3 Change Management Processes and the Impact to Security


Business processes impacting security operation

Approval process

Approval processes are necessary to review and authorize changes to ensure security compliance.

flowchart subgraph ApprovalProcess approval -->|Review and authorize| SecurityCompliance end


Clearly defining ownership of security-related changes helps in accountability and control.

flowchart subgraph Ownership ownership -->|Define ownership| Accountability end


Involving relevant stakeholders ensures that security concerns are addressed during the change process.

flowchart subgraph Stakeholders stakeholders -->|Involve relevant parties| SecurityConcerns end

Impact analysis

Assessing the potential impact of changes on security helps in risk mitigation.

flowchart subgraph ImpactAnalysis impact -->|Assess potential impact| RiskMitigation end

Test results

Thorough testing of changes is essential to ensure that security controls are not compromised.

flowchart subgraph TestResults testing -->|Ensure security controls| SecurityIntegrity end

Backout plan

A well-defined backout plan is crucial to revert changes in case of security issues.

flowchart subgraph BackoutPlan backout -->|Revert changes| SecurityRecovery end

Maintenance window

Setting maintenance windows helps in scheduling changes during low-impact periods.

flowchart subgraph MaintenanceWindow window -->|Schedule changes| LowImpactPeriods end

Standard operating procedure

Following established SOPs ensures that security practices are maintained during changes.

flowchart subgraph SOP sop -->|Follow established procedures| SecurityPractices end

Technical implications

Allow lists/deny lists

Configuring allow lists and deny lists can control which resources and activities are permitted or restricted.

flowchart subgraph AllowDenyLists allowdeny -->|Control resource access| ResourceControl end

Restricted activities

Identifying and restricting certain activities can enhance security and prevent unauthorized actions.

flowchart subgraph RestrictedActivities restricted -->|Prevent unauthorized actions| SecurityEnhancement end


Managing downtime is critical to minimize disruptions during changes and maintain operational integrity.

flowchart subgraph DowntimeManagement downtime -->|Minimize disruptions| OperationalIntegrity end

Service restart

Planning service restarts can help apply changes effectively and ensure continuous operation.

flowchart subgraph ServiceRestart restart -->|Apply changes effectively| ContinuousOperation end

Application restart

Restarting applications after changes may be necessary to ensure proper functionality.

flowchart subgraph AppRestart apprestart -->|Ensure proper functionality| ApplicationHealth end

Legacy applications

Handling legacy applications requires special considerations to maintain security and compatibility.

flowchart subgraph LegacyApps legacy -->|Maintain security and compatibility| SpecialConsiderations end


Identifying and managing dependencies ensures that changes do not disrupt interconnected systems.

flowchart subgraph DependenciesManagement dependencies -->|Prevent disruptions| InterconnectedSystems end


Updating diagrams

Updating diagrams helps visualize changes and maintain accurate representations of the environment.

flowchart subgraph UpdatingDiagrams diagrams -->|Visualize changes| AccurateRepresentations end

Updating policies/procedures

Updating policies and procedures ensures that they reflect the current security practices and requirements.

flowchart subgraph UpdatingPoliciesProcedures policies -->|Reflect current practices| CurrentSecurityRequirements end

Version control

Version control overview

Version control systems help manage changes, track revisions, and maintain historical records of configurations.

flowchart subgraph VersionControlOverview versioncontrol -->|Manage changes| TrackRevisions versioncontrol -->|Maintain historical records| ConfigurationHistory end

Benefits of version control

Implementing version control offers numerous advantages, including collaboration, auditability, and rollback capabilities.

flowchart subgraph VersionControlBenefits versionbenefits -->|Enable collaboration| CollaborativeEfforts versionbenefits -->|Enhance auditability| AuditTrail versionbenefits -->|Facilitate rollbacks| RollbackCapabilities end

Version control best practices

Following best practices in version control ensures efficient and effective management of changes.

flowchart subgraph VersionControlBestPractices bestpractices -->|Efficient management| EfficientManagement bestpractices -->|Effective tracking| TrackingChanges end